Friday, 29 December 2006

The clearout begins..

Thanks to all of you who have left comments and good wishes regarding our surprise move to Cornwall. It's lovely to read your words, and reinforces to me that it's the right thing to do. Thank you!

Thanks also (groan!) to Della who has so kindly tagged me for the "6 weird things" meme. This has taken a while (I'm just so predictable and boring most of the time!) but here goes:

1: I cannot, under any circumstances, hold anything other than food in my teeth without gagging - especially fabric. (I'm sure I was bound and gagged in a previous life.)

2: I have no roots at the sides of the big toe on my right foot as they were removed when I was 18yo to cure my persistent ingrowing toenail.

3: I have a 6-tooth-wide crown on my top front teeth as two of my second teeth were completely missing - just dips in the gum where the roots should be.

4: People who hardly know me can recognise me easily (even from behind) by my "big hair". Well I'm a Leo with a full mane..!

5: I can't get into bed at night without checking under the covers first for creepy crawlies.

6: I talk to my house, car, etc, etc.

There you go - that should be plenty to have a good laugh at. Now my turn for some tagging - I nominate the following (but only if they want to):
Scarlet Princess
Goldthorn Girl
Spinning Sue

"THE RULES:Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog."

As for the move, well I've made a (feeble) start by listing some of the stuff-to-go pile on ebay this evening. Take a look!

BTW if anyone has any problems leaving comments or anything on my blog, please let me know as I've just switched over to the new version of Blogger. It should be better, but there are bound to be teething problems.

I've just realised that I didn't get anything even remotely knitting-related for Christmas this year. Although I guess I should count my new MP3 player from DH as knitting-related as I can listen to the knitting podcasts without borrowing his player now. As for yarn etc, not even a fibre. Oh well - probably a good thing with the amount of packing that will soon be happening.

I have been knitting, but very sporadically atm obviously. I'm working on a pair of Wendy's Toe-Up Socks for myself in some yarn I bought from ebay a few months back. The first one is done and fits beautifully, but I don't have picture uploading facilities atm do you'll have to wait for the big reveal.

Friday, 22 December 2006

A New Year = A New Life!

Well it seems that what I thought was hectic was actually a short-lived blustery period compared to the forthcoming gales.

You see we've pondered about moving to Cornwall for the last couple of years or so, and now - all of a sudden - the opportunity has appeared out of nowhere! I found (quite by chance during a Googling session) a vacancy at Cornwall County Council which is identical to my current post.

After much deliberation about hours (I work 3 days per week but the advert was for full-time) I applied (online, 1 hour before the deadline), and was subsequently invited to interview. So a couple of weeks ago DH and I sorted out MIL to stay home with our girls whilst we headed off down south. Less than 3 hours after the interview, I was contacted with the job offer based on 4 days per week!

I've accepted it, so now - during the Christmas period - we're finishing off the work to our house, gathering information about schools, getting our house up for sale in January, then heading down to Cornwall around mid-February. We'll be renting for the first 6 months, so I have no idea whether we'll have much in the way of internet/email access, then buying there once our house here is sold.

So the New Year for us is definately starting a whole new life, relocating across the 250 miles from Wolverhampton in the West Midlands to Truro in Cornwall! I still don't really believe it...

Friday, 1 December 2006


Things have been pretty busy – well ok, manic - round here.

I found details of a local
Christmas Craft Fair at Northycote Farm this Sunday 3rd December and decided to do a stall there with Fiona of Yarnwise. Great – er, but I guess that means we need things to sell, right? Hence the frenzied crafting in every spare minute since - then there's the labelling, organising, childcare, etc, etc..

I will try to remember to take my camera and show some pics of the event. If you're in the area, come along!