This time of my own variety.
I've finally finished the daughter socks that I wanted to design to use up the Tofutsies yarn remaining from my Kaibashira socks.
I found an easy but pretty lacy rib stitch pattern, and worked out a p3-k3-p1-k3 rib to match up with it.
I wanted to use the standard heel stitch to give a little more padding here, so it was cuff-down.
(I've since found a recipe for knitting toe-up with this kind of heel, so that's next on the ToDo list.)
When we got to the toe, I was instructed by DD that a separate big toe was in order so that the socks can be worn with flip-flops.
So I checked out a few patterns and can up with this modified toe-rib type affair. You know I'm pretty pleased with the whole thing, and quite amazed at how easy it was to come up with my own sock pattern.
So here are the finished Toe-Footsies - complete with toe-post for wearing with flip-flops.
Well we do live by the sea now.
One more thing - Poppy Cottage asked about the needle thing. Yes I do use magic loop for socks. I'm sure it must sound horrendous to read about (I can't vouch for that as I was lucky enough to be shown it in person), but just dive in and try it.
I think it's by far the most portable and child-friendly (and therefore parent-friendly!) method of knitting socks, so it's my most favoured method.

And finally...One small oasis of beauty in the garden that seems (for now) to be rented to the builders yard.
I do love DH's camera. Just wish I could remember the name of the darn shrub. ;-)