Saturday, 28 April 2012

Mighty 17

I'm in a few teams on Etsy including the Supporting Artists team. They're a fabulous group of sellers, very supportive of course!
Today I'm taking part in a team treasury game called Mighty 17 - here's my collection of finds from my fellow team members. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Hooked on garters

Candy garter - sweet!
Crochet always gets me in phases.

Currently I seem to be going through a garter phase - it's all I want to crochet, using pure silk yarn with lots of different bead and ribbon colourways!

Last weekend I enjoyed choosing more beads for them from GJ Beads in Truro - I love browsing around in there - so much choice!

We ended up talking about my hand-dyed Perran Yarns as one of the ladies from Truro Fabrics was in there too. A good shopping trip!
Something blue!

I'm currently waiting for my latest order of hand-dyed ribbons from the talented Abby and Ellie - they're always so lovely!