- The general feeling down here is more relaxed; it's more rural and right by the coast, so it feels less hectic
- We don't worry so much about security - we're living in a little village and feel safer; fewer people means fewer crimes
- As we're so near the coast, we feel like we should make the most of it and so tend to go to the beach whenever we can - and there's not much to get stressed about there
- The school is half the size of the previous one our girls went to, and has much more of an outdoor emphasis - they have a science garden, after-school gardening club, and outdoor learning spaces
- As we're outdoors a lot more, we're all looking fairly tanned already - everyone back in the Midlands on this last visit said we all looked really healthy!
- I need to drive to work and can't walk around the city centre to do my shopping at lunchtime so I had to find other ways to get exercise: now I go to fitness classes twice a week & thoroughly enjoy them, DH does most of the shopping so he appreciates the time & effort it takes now, and walking up and down the beach and cliff steps does wonders for the legs and cardio fitness levels!
- Although I only drive when I have to, I am enjoying the freedom of having my own transport available
- I had 2 migraines whilst we were back up country last weekend - a common occurrence for me - but have had virtually none whilst down here
- I'm learning to swim better (after all these years) as I want to be able to swim in the sea with our girls
- For whatever reasons we seem to be going out more as a family - we go out together every Friday evening, and are currently planning several visits to local events during the forthcoming half term break
- DH gets to see his little sis regularly as we now live near her!
- There is a big focus down here on environmental issues and also crafts - both of which interest me greatly
I think that's enough to be going on with! As you can probably gather, we're enjoying it down here.

I discovered that I prefer stringing beads rather than weaving them, so I came back and made myself 3 necklaces.

I'm really pleased with all of them!