My youngest daughter Sarah is 4 today! Pics to follow..
My DH pondered last night "I wonder how many hours we work in a day..?". We both agreed it was almost all of the hours we're awake. A common scenario nowadays I'm sure. Anyway the "little" (month-long) project that has been devouring my knitting time is almost at an end, and light is shining onto my needles once again.
Lucy is knitted, seamed, and fits beautifully.
Tonight I hope to darn in the ends - naughty me, didn't join new balls at the end of the row and now I wish I had. It should be ok, but I realise that it would be so much neater on the inside as well if I'd just followed that simple rule. Also it finally "clicked" with me how to use the loop-your-yarn-halfway-along-when-you're-nearing-the-end-of-the-ball method. Doh.
Finally I need to sew on the two buttons once I can decide which ones to use; I browsed the local haberdashery department yesterday and ended up with two similar sets of buttons that I couldn't choose between. Then how are they supposed to be attached? Both together back to back? Side by side; one showing, one hidden? I think Rowan has left this up to personal preference, as the photo shows one button but the instructions insist on two.. Anyway I'm hoping Lucy will be finished in time for me to make a grand entrance at the family party on Easter Sunday.
Lime green. And aubergine. Together. Not on me but near me. These colours keep popping into my thoughts and vision for items such as bags (boy am I having a bag fetish right now!), cushions, bedding, etc. I've also found a great colour wheel which I've printed to keep handy - yet another item to transfer when I swap between my bags no doubt!
I've now started Angel from Pipsqueaks, in the size 6-7 years. This, of course, means hours of double rib on 3.75mm needles. Hmm. But it does look good in rich cherry red Rowan Wool Cotton!
There are certain items which I find essential and always want to have with me, which I always have to transfer between bags when swapping them. For me, the items include:
I think that's about it! Do you have anything different on your essentials list?
And of course as knitting is so relaxing, my mind wanders onto... what else would I like to make?! Well of course Gemma is screaming out my name as I already have more than enough of the 4-ply cotton for her.
The Happy Couple
One quick ebay purchase later, she's now accompanied by her perfect partner - 6 balls of Rowan Calmer in the discontinued shade "Zeal". Perfect. Better get this seaming done. ;-)