Tuesday, 29 March 2005

Friday, 25 March 2005


First the Ooooh:
Yesterday I took my youngest daughter to town to buy her some summer sandals and found that there was a French Market being held there for 3 days! We had a quick look round, then went back this morning. I bought no less than 6 different cheeses (well we have 2 family parties coming up in the next 4 days!), a bottle of "pear cider" (isn't that what we call perry?), and a dried spicy chorizo sausage. Not cheap, but well worth it. I have to say that there is very little left of the cider and sausage. ;-)

Then the Aaarrrggghhh:
Did I say I was getting along nicely with
Angel from Pipsqueaks? Well I was... until I realised that I'd cast on for the size 4-5yrs and increased up to the size 6-7 years. Fine just unpick a little, you may think. Trouble is, I want the 6-7years size. So the whole lot is now wound back onto the ball, and awaiting re-starting.

It's my own fault for not bothering to photocopy the pattern to start with. I usually do that and then highlight all the required figures for the size I want to knit up, before I start. I hate to mess up any knitting books. :-) Guess what I did last night? Yep, got that photocopy sorted out.

I would have re-started the knitting tonight, but we've been drinking Jack Daniels and coke (my fave drink), eating Pringles and the chorizo sausage, & playing polka all night with friends. ;-) Well a girl has to have a rest from knitting now and again - or so my DH tells me! I think I may need to go and lie down for a while now.. ;-)

Thursday, 24 March 2005

Thank You Secret Pal!!

Wow - it's Christmas at Easter! Many many thanks go out to my wonderful Secret Pal for the fantastic package that I received yesterday.

Within the box of surprises, everything was wrapped beautifully in red and white tissue paper - definately Christmas treat time! Firstly was a yummy tin of chocolate squares, and a wonderfully fragrant tin of mulled spices - we have plenty of red wine to put that to good use with!

Mmmm - treats to eat and drink

Then the main treat - gorgeous bead-topped needles and matching beaded stitch markers, and (big fanfare here) 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport yarn in shade Tahoe! One of my most longed-for yarns! Secret Pal, you are a mind reader!

How lucky am I?!

I have been thoroughly spoiled rotten. How wonderful! ;-) Now I have the difficult task of deciding which project is worthy of such magnificent yarn. Maybe a second
Wavy Scarf? Other suggestions would be gratefully received. :-)

Tinsel in my stash

Yesterday I also received some yarn I purchased on ebay last week - 2 balls of Jaeger Wolga, which is like tinsel in yarn form!

Tinsel for knitting!

This should make a fab scarf for next autumn/winter.

Wednesday, 23 March 2005

So many projects.. so little time..

My DH pondered last night "I wonder how many hours we work in a day..?". We both agreed it was almost all of the hours we're awake. A common scenario nowadays I'm sure. Anyway the "little" (month-long) project that has been devouring my knitting time is almost at an end, and light is shining onto my needles once again.

Lucy is knitted, seamed, and fits beautifully.
Tonight I hope to darn in the ends - naughty me, didn't join new balls at the end of the row and now I wish I had. It should be ok, but I realise that it would be so much neater on the inside as well if I'd just followed that simple rule. Also it finally "clicked" with me how to use the loop-your-yarn-halfway-along-when-you're-nearing-the-end-of-the-ball method. Doh.

Finally I need to sew on the two buttons once I can decide which ones to use; I browsed the local haberdashery department yesterday and ended up with two similar sets of buttons that I couldn't choose between. Then how are they supposed to be attached? Both together back to back? Side by side; one showing, one hidden? I think Rowan has left this up to personal preference, as the photo shows one button but the instructions insist on two.. Anyway I'm hoping Lucy will be finished in time for me to make a grand entrance at the family party on Easter Sunday.

Lime green. And aubergine. Together. Not on me but near me. These colours keep popping into my thoughts and vision for items such as bags (boy am I having a bag fetish right now!), cushions, bedding, etc. I've also found a great colour wheel which I've printed to keep handy - yet another item to transfer when I swap between my bags no doubt!

I've now started Angel from Pipsqueaks, in the size 6-7 years. This, of course, means hours of double rib on 3.75mm needles. Hmm. But it does look good in rich cherry red Rowan Wool Cotton!

Essential items

There are certain items which I find essential and always want to have with me, which I always have to transfer between bags when swapping them. For me, the items include:

  • tissues
  • tea tree lip balm
  • handbag-sized deodorant
  • handbag-sized mouth freshener
  • menthol inhaler stick
  • melt-in-the-mouth pain relief tablets
  • diary
  • notebook for knitting scribbles & pen
  • mobile phone
  • purse & keys

I think that's about it! Do you have anything different on your essentials list?

Friday, 18 March 2005


Last night was pretty productive in the FO department. I got myself into the right frame of mind, got my sewing box out, and finally finished no less than THREE projects!

Firstly is a moebius cowl necklace type thingimajig. What one earth are these supposed to be called? It's worn around the neck like a necklace but helps to keep you warm too. I love 'em! This one in particular is wonderful (IMHO) as it's my first FO using ladder yarn. This is Lanarte Rio which my fab LYS has started to stock. It cost me £5 for a ball, but it's made this one with plenty to spare for another - which is on the needles as we speak.. erm I mean type.. ;-)

This one is in stocking stitch, so rolls up beautifully into a delicate little decorative item. The one on the needles I'm doing in garter stitch; we'll see the difference soon enough.

What are these called??

Next is another thingamijig, this time in a fancy boucle lurex yarn of many colours which I bought on ebay a while back. I used a lacy stitch for this one - I think I've seen it referred to as purse stitch. It's very simple - K1, * YO, P2tog, repeat from * to last stitch, K1 - over any even number of stitches. That's it - every row the same. It flies along.

And another!

I also did a matching skinny scarf in the same yarn, with fringes - which were incredibly quick to do as there were only 12 strands of fringe for each end through 6 loops of the pattern. The yarn has a tendency to unravel as it's a few different types plied together very loosely, so they work great as a fringe.

Matching skinny scarf

And finally - more yarn! I've wanted to knit Angel from the Pipsqueaks book for my eldest daughter for a while now, and seeing how well her dark hair goes with red I wanted to use that. I've been searching ebay for a while for the required Rowan Wool Cotton and finally found it a couple of weeks ago at a price that's acceptable if this only fits her for 12 months (which is very likely).

At last!

I guess I'd better make that before Gemma, or she'll be in the next size again.. ;-)

Thursday, 17 March 2005


I love this time of year. All the flowers bursting into colour, the temperatures getting milder, & sunny breezy days drying the washing on the line outside instead of draped around the house. That makes me happy. See, I'm a simple gal! :-) This is my view from my kitchen window this morning:

Spring has sprung!

And another thing that makes me happy - knitting! This week has shot past faster than an express train, but I finally grabbed a free couple of hours last night for Lucy. She was in pieces you see, and had been for several days. I'd seamed the shoulders using backstitch but was not at all happy with the messy result. So last night I unpicked it and followed this method - called knit stitch here but is this aka mattress stitch?

Lucy's shoulder seam & neckline

Whatever the name of the method, I'm very happy with the result. This is the first time I've tried it for shoulder seams, and I'll be doing it again. It was very quick and easy. Then I galloped along with the garter stitch neckline, which has given Lucy a more defined shape. Now on to the real seaming!

Of course a girl can't live on one project alone. Not this one anyway. So here's my version of the Booga Bag romping along in it's very chunky unbranded variegated unplied wool:

Boogying along

She's looking delicious, but is knitting tight on 7mm needles (when I say chunky, I mean chunky!) so I don't think she'll need much felting. That's fine with me.

And of course as knitting is so relaxing, my mind wanders onto... what else would I like to make?! Well of course Gemma is screaming out my name as I already have more than enough of the 4-ply cotton for her.

The Happy Couple

One quick ebay purchase later, she's now accompanied by her perfect partner - 6 balls of Rowan Calmer in the discontinued shade "Zeal". Perfect. Better get this seaming done. ;-)

Thursday, 10 March 2005

Picture This!

Well I promised pictures, so pictures we have! Please note they are of a raw knitting variety (i.e. unseamed and unblocked) so please avert your eyes if you feel you may find this offensive:

Lucy Back & Fronts!

Raw and racy. ;-) Also proof that the shaping instructions given a few days ago work beautifully. I'm a little concerned how much the fronts overlap, but they seem to be as called for in the pattern, so we'll see.

Lucy Sleeve 1

First sleeve completed without any additional help with the shaping. Aw, it's easy when you know how.

Lucy Sleeve 2

Modest beginnings for sleeve 2. Give me chance - there's plenty going on around here!

Lucy Stitch Detail

"Isn't she lovely... Isn't she wonderful...". Sorry. But I do so love my Lucy. :-)

Wednesday, 9 March 2005

Sleeve Island

No pics today, but some news on Lucy - she's racing along! I've finished the back and both fronts, and I'm about two thirds along the first sleeve. Apparently sleeve island is not the place to be, but as the sleeves are worked entirely in the lovely textured pattern, I'm really enjoying making them. I'll take some pics tomorrow for better lighting.

Looks like my heavy hints ("If you don't know what to get me, try this..") worked for Mother's Day! I'm awaiting delivery of the aforementioned Vogue Knitting Designer Knits book any day now, plus I got a box of yummy Galaxy chocs to go with it - I can't photograph those as they disappeared long ago. ;-)

The spiral scarf and furry fresco scarf were very well received by by MIL and mum I'm glad to report.

The next post will have pics, I promise. Back to sleeve island for me!

Friday, 4 March 2005

Doin' the knittin' groove

Hey another FO or two! First I finished the Red tank for my 6yo daughter. I think she likes it as she wants to wear it all the time! Here she is doin' the groove in it:

Groovy Red Tank
Doesn't she look cute with her gappy grin?! The tooth fairy visited us last week. ;-)

Plus I also finished the Bias Knit Scarf using the Stylecraft Eskimo and Sirdar Fresco yarn - less than 1 ball of each. I'm pleased with this now, after all the false and different starts it had. That's the Mother's Day gift knitting finished.

Bias Knit Scarf

Lucy is coming along nicely; I'm almost at the shoulder shaping for the back, so I'll post a picture of that once the back's done.

Tuesday, 1 March 2005

Spring activity

Ah, I'm happy. The trusty Rose has obtained the required shaping instructions from Rowan for Lucy in Rowan 37 magazine. And they work - see:

Lucy in progress with shaping

Just in case this bewilders anyone else, here are the shaping instructions for the Back:
1st dec Row: K2tog, k2, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 7 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl l, k1, psso, k2, k2tog.
Next Row: Purl.
1st patt Row: K3, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 6 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k3.
Next Row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows once.
2nd dec Row: K2tog, k1, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 6 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog.
Next Row: Purl.
1st patt Row: K2, K2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 5 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k2.
Next Row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows once.
3rd dec Row: (K2tog) twice, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 5 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k2tog.
Next Row: Purl.
1st patt Row: K1, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 4 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k1.
Next Row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows once.
4th dec Row: K3tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 4 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso.
Next Row: Purl.
1st patt Row: K2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 3 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso.
Next Row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows twice more.

And the increases just after that:
1st inc Row: Inc in 1st st, k3, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 7 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k3, inc in last st.
Next Row: Purl.
Next Row: K1, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 4 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, k1.
Next Row: Purl.
2nd inc Row: Inc in 1st st, k2tog, * (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last 4 sts, (k1, yfwd, k1) into next st, sl 1, k1, psso, inc in last st, k1.
65 [69:73:77:81] sts.

I can now continue with this beautiful cardigan. Or at least I can once I've finished the Mother's Day scarves. I feel some manic knitting coming on!

I did manage to locate some flower braid for Astroturf, and sewed it on last night:

Looks like Spring is coming at last!

Not matter what I'm knitting, I can't help thinking about what I'll knit next. Of course I need to finish the Red Tank and Clapotis (who sadly ran out of yarn about halfway through the decreasing; sob sob). But also what will I start that's NEW and exciting? Well since I did my stash photo session, my Colinette Giotto has been softly calling me. I think she would look wonderful as this:

Diagonal V-Front Sweater

The pattern is in the Vogue Knitting Designer Knits book, which I obviously need to get hold of. I've added it to my Amazon wishlist to give a hint to anyone who wants to buy me something. (Ahem, dear hub, is that Mother's Day is see coming this Sunday? Am I a Mom? Why I think I am..!) Fingers crossed. ;-)