Saturday, 27 August 2005
We're off!
I'm taking my Textured Cardigan and the dreaded Sirdar Fizz scarf with me; hopefully there will be some progress made in the evenings. DH has just found out that there are some good surfing beaches close by, and the girls want to have a go at body-boarding too, so I don't think I'll be knitting on the beach.
See ya soon!
Thursday, 25 August 2005
Don't try this at home

I started seaming away merrily, doing the side seam first. Hmm, not so easy to sew the sleeve in. Never mind. Then I had to stretch the sleeve seams to fit the armholes - strange, I thought, but carried on regardless.
One side done, all ends darned in neatly, time to try it on. Hmm, seems weird - the armhole is a little tight and the neckline seems very wide - almost to my shoulders, and there seems to be an odd straight bit at the neckline before the v-neck starts.
So I took it off and had a good look at it. The cogs in my brain slowly whirred into life. What a plonker. I've sewed in the sleeves as if they were raglan when in fact they are set-in. That wide neckline and odd straight neck shaping is actually the shoulder seams that I've forgotten to seam together! No wonder the sleeves wouldn't fit properly - the sleeve cast-off is supposed to be joined to the armhole edges. Duh! Needless to say it won't now be finished before we go on holiday.
Moral of this merry tale - think about what you're doing and seam your shoulders first!

I think my wishlist has overdosed!
Tuesday, 23 August 2005
The votes are in!

I don't think it'll be a quick knit as it's a weird stitch pattern involving this: p3tog keeping sts on left needle, yo, p3tog again then slip sts off left needle. It's making a firm fabric so I'm not downsizing the needle size as I usually do.
It was a close call as to whether I made it in the beautiful colour shown, but I ended up buying the pebble shade.
The project speed doesn't matter; I just wanted something on the go to take on our hols to Tenby next week. Anyone know of any good yarn shops in the area that I should visit? I know Colourway are in that area, and Colinette may be scheduled in en route if I can convince DH to take my girls to the Llanfair Railway!

BTW, have you seen the Jaeger JB38 magazine? I love almost every project in there (groan!) I think I may have to purchase that very soon.
Sunday, 21 August 2005
What next?
(BTW goodness knows why I'm getting all these blank lines. I haven't put them there!)
Saturday, 20 August 2005
1st Anniversary!

My Lacewing Bolero is coming along nicely, although the fronts have proved a little challenging to start. The right front is done and I've started the left front - and I had to begin both of them several times before I got the hang of which side was which for the pattern and the shaping. I'm just too tired. My youngest daughter seems to need far less sleep than the rest of us, no matter how much we do in the day to try to wear her out. Hopefully she'll sleep better when she starts full-time school in January. Until then I'll just have to be tired and knit carefully. ;-)
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
One step forward, two steps back..

I had a fab day with my family - including my nephew James. As you can see, he's doing really well. :-)
My girls went home with nanny & grandad at 8pm so that DH could take me out for a yummy meal at a local pub - The Seven Stars at Seisdon. I had Romano Chicken - the homemade sauce was heavenly.

Rose summed the colour up beautifully as a mixture of raspberry & strawberry. It feels a bit harsh, but I'm hoping that a good dose of fabric conditioner will sort that out once it's finished. If it does get finished that is; I'm a little worried that I may run out of yarn as I only have 200g of the stuff. Oh well, if I do I'll just have to frog the back and fronts and re-work them shorter (but let's just hope we don't go there eh?!)
Oh-so-long-ago when I first had ideas about this bolero, Francoise asked if I'd be making it the same shape as my Peachy Bolero. It's basically the same (and again designed using my Knitware software), but the sleeves are shorter. It may be a little different as I've lent my Peachy Bolero charts to a friend, so I'll have to draw the front shaping onto these charts from memory. ;-)

Yesterday was the Tuesday Fix - the Knit Chat club. I had a lovely time happily knitting away on my lace wing shrug (up to the armholes on the back!), chatting, and drinking my favourite latte for an hour. Just about 10 minutes from the end, I suddenly realised that I been increasing instead of decreasing. On the armholes. That's too much for a Homer Simpson "Doh!"; it's more of a Bart Simpson "Arrggghhh!" Talk about lights on and nobody home.
So last night, I gritted my teeth and frogged said increase rows. Why does frogging take so much longer than knitting? Maybe if you practise often enough it doesn't. No, I don't think I'll try that. So I got back to where I'd started at lunchtime. I knitted 2 rows. I counted the stitches. There was 1 short!. Double aaaarrrggghhhh!!! I'd forgotten one of the yarn overs and of course it had to be right at the start of the first row I'd re-knitted. What did I say about frogging practise?
Anyway my brain must have warmed up at some point as I'm now on the straight part of the armhole, racing up towards the neckline & shoulders. Did I mention that I've already done one short sleeve? It was good practise for the pattern. I do love the stitch pattern, and the colour of the yarn. Not so sure about the feel of the linen/acrylic mix though.

Monday, 15 August 2005
Birthday Girl!

Thursday, 11 August 2005
FO as promised

This is me modelling her just before midnight last night, immediately after sewing in the last end. She fits really well and feels lovely on the skin.
I had to resist the temptation to wear her today as I want her first outing to be to the Knit Chat club on Saturday.

I wanted to show you the fabulous flower beds at the park which are in full bloom at the moment. Absolutely gorgeous. This is just one small section of them. I must try fiddling around with the photo settings on my mobile phone to see if I can get some better pics.
My eldest is having her first ever sleepover at her friend's tonight; they were so excited! We're all meeting up in the morning for another trip to the park, so fingers crossed for more sunshine!
I had a bit of bad news from Marchmoon this afternoon. My order for the Filatura di Crosa Brilla yarn can't be fulfilled; apparently FdC had promised stocks which never appeared and the Marchmoon staff had forgotten to take it off the website. Oh well, c'est la vie. I'd better press on with more stashbustin' instead!
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
More news..

I don't know, 2 posts in 2 days - don't expect this all the time will you?!
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Tuesday Fix

I got my (almost) mid-week fix of our Knit Chat club this lunchtime, so I'm happy. Today was amazing as there were 7 of us altogether, instead of the usual 3 or 4! An hour of knitting mid-way through a day at work is a lovely break. It's also more than I've managed in the last 2 days; last Saturday I managed 4 hours of knitting (club meet plus a late night) but since then I've only just squeezed in 4 rows per day, at bedtime. I'm just 6 rows off finishing the second sleeve for the Presto Top, so I'm determined to get that done tonight (even though I need to help DH with his VAT return - bleugh).

Sunday, 7 August 2005
Hey Presto!

I have to admit to giving in to the Marchmoon sale, although I am trying to curb my stash enhancement atm. When I checked for the Brilla yarn I'd had my eye on, there were just 9 balls left of the exact colour I wanted. It had my name on it! I ordered it immediately on Wednesday evening, so hopefully it should arrive soon.
I also want to get hold of the latest Rebecca 30 magazine and a Filatura di Crosa magazine. Rebecca 30 is supposed to be good but isn't being previewed at their website until 17th August which is the official publication date for it. I can't find any previews of the Filatura di Crosa magazine, but whenever I spot adverts for them in any knitting magazines, they always seem to have a lovely textured pattern shown.
BTW, if you've got the latest Knitting magazine, there's a pic in the Rowan workshop article of our lovely Rose who hosts our Knit Chat club!

Finally... a classic from my youngest daughter today.
Me: "Don't do that darling - it's dangerous. If your hand slips you could fall on your head and be dead, so I don't want to see you do it again, ok?"
Daughter: "Mommy just don't look."
Don't ya just love 'em?!
Monday, 1 August 2005
I (finally) chose a ball of khaki Cotton Tape and a faberooney ball of Linen Print in "Smoky" (my birthday wishlist now includes 10-12 balls of this fabulous shade!). I decided I could complement it with some of the left-over Cotton Tape I have in my stash in the "Enchant" shade (deep cerise pink).

While we're on the Rowan topic, have you previewed the latest Rowan 38 mag? I did and unless it's better close up then no thanks. I'm not too impressed with the patterns or the "new" yarns. New? Maybe some, but others (such as Kidsilk Spray) seem to be simply current yarns in new shades. OK so it's variegated, but that's just another colourway isn't it? If you bring out a car in a new colour is it a new car? I didn't think so.. maybe I'm wrong..

I've got used to the Sandra magazine patterns now; you need to photocopy the charts and annotate them as much as you need so you can work almost exclusively from them.
My Clover Top is still waiting patiently in the seaming pile; I haven't yet looked for another yarn to use for seaming instead of the silk, which simply breaks too frequently when lacing the seams up. Ho hum.
BTW have you seen the sale at Marchmoon? 20% off all yarns starting today! AAARRRGGGHHH. Why do I never have spare cash when I want it?!